Our doctors, health professionals, data scientists and engineers are developing an algorithm that will predict how well and how fast an individual will recover from knee replacement surgery.

Most people make an excellent recovery after knee replacement, thanks to advances in surgical methods. Still, there is a lack of scientific evidence to explain why some people get back into life quickly with their new knee, whilst others recover more slowly. Powered by machine-learning, the tool will take the guess-work out of deciding which, how much and what kinds of rehabilitation will be the most useful for each patient.

Partnered with the Hunter Medical Research Institute and Ramsay Healthcare, we’re currently following the recovery of 1000 adults having total knee replacement surgery. This tool will guide the development of the tailored, precision-rehabilitation methods of the future. The three year project is funded by the Ramsay Hospital Research Foundation.

[Research Project: Understanding and predicting recovery in patients undergoing total knee replacement. This project has been approved by the University of Newcastle’s Human Research Ethics Committee, Approval No. H-2019-0109.]

The SuPeR Knee project was awarded the Ramsay Hospital Research Foundation Community Partnership Award at the 2023 Research Awards Dinner recognising our collaborations with the community that have led to innovative solutions for community health improvements.

Learn more about the SuPeR Knee project through our Resources and News pages